EDGE – EDucating GEnerations:

MFI’s Learning Management System (LMS)

For ten years, EDGE served as an aid for MFI Educators to better their methodologies in teaching MFI students. It functioned as a container for coursewares and a venue for other types of learning e.g. blended learning, distance education, etc. that caters for all ages.

An LMS can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process in MFI by improving the administration of classrooms and tests, automation of feedback and results, using variety of communication channels, promoting cooperative learning and centralizing and providing accessible information to both the learners and the educators.

Thus, by using EDGE, we can:

  1. Reduce the cost of paper and print we use for tests and references
  2. Optimize man-hours from reduced time of checking tests
  3. Reduce manpower cost during online management of students
  4. Deliver more opportunity to achieve mastery of the topics/courses
  5. Provide better learning retention
  6. Give quick feedback of students’ performance and evaluation results

With the aforementioned reasons, it is unequivocal that EDGE is the future of MFI Training Programs.

This is a 2-day training workshop for MFI Instructors under the Integrated Technology Department (ITD) focusing on Formal Programs. ITD together with the LDS Department aims to prepare the instructors for the incoming school year 2022-2023 of the DTS (Dual Training System) and SHS (Senior High School) programs. This training focuses on the preparation of the teaching materials necessary for blended learning including the Topic Schedule, STP (Strategic Training Plan), and LMS. 

The Attendance activity allows teachers to maintain a record of attendance, replacing or supplementing a paper-based attendance register. It is primarily used in blended-learning environments where students are required to attend classes, lectures, and tutorials and allows the teacher to track and optionally provide a grade for the student's attendance. The instructor can set the frequency of their classes (# of days per week & length of course) or create specific sessions. 

To take attendance, the instructor clicks on the "Update Attendance" button and is presented with a list of all the students in that course, along with configurable options and comments. The default options provided are Present, Absent, Late & Excused. Instructors can download the attendance for their course in Excel format or text format.

Sessions can also be configured to allow students to record their own attendance and a range of different reports are available.

Two-day training on utilizing and internalizing EDGE in courses offered by MFI for ALL MFI-TI Instructors who are currently/about to teach courses in the institution.

A two-day training that will focus on enhancing the participants' teaching methodologies with the help of eLearning Tools such as Photoshop, PowerPoint, Prezi, Screen Recorder and Basic Photography.